Heroes In The Community: Healthcare Professionals

Reichert Mortgage blog image with title 'Heroes in the community: healthcare professionals' and image of nurses with stethoscopes
Picture of Troy Reichert

Troy Reichert

Troy Reichert is the owner of Reichert Mortgage LLC. With over 20 years of serving the United States Airforce, Troy wants to continue to give back to the community by helping give people their best chance at securing a home.

Throughout this incredible community we call home, we are fortunate to have hard working men and women who dedicate their lives to protecting, helping, and serving others. There are many types of heroes who spend their time improving the lives of others through difficult positions, including military, firefighters/EMS, healthcare professionals, law enforcement, and teachers. Whether they wear uniforms or scrubs, lanyards or badges, we are grateful for their service.

Here at The Reichert Mortgage Team, we love taking any opportunity we can to shine a spotlight for those who serve. We are thrilled to announce our new series: Heroes in the Community, where we will take an opportunity to honor the heroes in our local Falcon and Colorado Springs area. We hope to share local events, holidays, fundraising opportunities, charitable organizations, honorary people, and so much more with you, so keep in tune for what is to come!

Thanking Our Healthcare Professionals 

Healthcare professionals keep our community going. From caring for those that are ill, standing by those who have received difficult medical news, or comforting those who have lost a loved one, medical workers give their all to those in need. Our community is fortunate to have registered nurses, LPNs, CNAs, doctors, and specialty medical professionals keeping those we love safe. Whether these compassionate individuals are caring for patients in critical condition or working through paperwork to ensure every detail is accounted for, we are deeply appreciative of their service. 

At the Reichert Mortgage Team in Colorado Springs, we would like to take this opportunity to extend our gratitude to the thousands of selfless healthcare professionals throughout El Paso County. Our team wants to thank these professionals for the time and care they invest in education and in our community. As we continue to welcome new residents to Southern Colorado, we are proud to know they are in great medical hands.

Pikes Peak Heroes for Healthcare Professionals

As a member of this incredible community, I am proud to say I have experienced the compassionate care of medical professionals throughout Colorado Springs. As a veteran, I am passionate about serving others and recognizing those that do the same. One of the ways I am proud to serve the community of Colorado Springs and Falcon is through our Pikes Peak Heroes program. We want to ensure every medical professional throughout Colorado Springs, Falcon, Security, Monument, and surrounding communities know the benefits of this program. Pikes Peak Heroes was designed so heroes like medical professionals who spend their lives caring for others have access to a home that cares for them.

How to Show Gratitude for Healthcare Professionals

Medical professionals throughout Southern Colorado work hard to give back to our community by caring for those in need. We believe in the importance of expressing gratitude to these caring individuals as often as possible. Here are just a few of the many different ways to get involved, give back, and show thanks.

5 Ways To Thank Your Healthcare Provider 

Healthcare professionals often work themselves into burnout, so occasional reminders that their impactful, hard work is appreciated is always helpful. Whether you have a healthcare provider that has made a direct impact on your health, a nurse that helped your child get through an illness, or a medical technician that made your loved one’s day, then here are just a few ways to express your gratitude.

  1. Write a letter noting how they’ve made an impact on your life
  2. Send flowers to their office to brighten everyone’s day
  3. Delivery some treats to make long days a little bit sweeter
  4. Recommend their services to boost their practice
  5. Just say “thank you” even if you’re feeling under the weather

Charities and Nonprofits

There are dozens of charities and non-profits throughout southern Colorado that promote excellent health care practices, education, and research. Below are a few nonprofits that provide assistance to those in Colorado Springs. If you’re looking for an organization that focuses on a medical issue that has had an impact on your life, then browse this list curated by the Partnership for Colorado.

UC Health: UC Health encompasses dozens of healthcare facilities throughout Colorado Springs. Donations are the bloodline of this not-for-profit health care system. 

Veterans Affairs: Donate or volunteer at your local VA. As a veteran, this medical center is close to my heart and a great way to provide assistance to those caring for military members. 
Children’s Hospital Colorado Foundation:  Helping those who help kids is one of the most rewarding opportunities. This foundation promotes education, research, and provides medical care to children in Colorado.

Annual Holidays: 

National Doctors Day: March 30, 2020

National Nurses Day: May 6th, 2020

National Medical Assistants Recognition Day: October 21, 2020

What We Do To Honor Our Health Care Professionals 

The Reichert Mortgage Team is proud to be the founder of the Pikes Peak Heroes program. Pikes Peak Heroes provides financial assistance to heroes such as teachers, firefighters/EMS, law enforcement, medical professionals, and the military. Not only can heroes save a significant amount of money through this program, but Reichert Mortgage is proud to say “Thank You” by offering to pay appraisal fees for our heroes. We are honored to assist our heroes such as teachers in any way we can.

Pikes Peak Heroes Mortgage Broker | The Reichert Mortgage Team

At The Reichert Mortgage Team, we place a high value on education and community. We are honored to thank our health care professionals for their sacrifice and dedication to our community. We want to extend our gratitude and appreciation by offering help not only through our mortgage brokers but additionally through the Pikes Peak Heroes program to alleviate financial burdens when purchasing a home. If you have questions about the program or about how you can help support El Paso community heroes like our dedicated healthcare professionals, then contact us today! Also, if you know of a health care professionals that could benefit from this program we request that you share this with them so that they can get the assistance they need.

“Thank You” to our El Paso County Hospitals! 

Cedar Springs Behavioral Hospital 

Evans Army Community Hospital

HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital of Colorado Springs

Memorial Hospital Central

Memorial Hospital North 

Peak View Behavioral Health

Penrose Hospital

St. Francis Medical Center

UCHealth Grandview Hospital

Other Heros In The Colorado Springs Community

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