Nominate A Hero: Nurses

Picture of Troy Reichert

Troy Reichert

Troy Reichert is the owner of Reichert Mortgage LLC. With over 20 years of serving the United States Airforce, Troy wants to continue to give back to the community by helping give people their best chance at securing a home.

The Reichert Mortgage Team is veteran-owned, and it’s always been important to us to recognize the heroes of the Colorado Springs community. We created the Pikes Peak Heroes program as a way to honor and give back to the real-life heroes of our community. Every month, we focus on a different type of hero. From educators to law enforcement, we’re honored to have a program that highlights the amazing sacrifices these individuals make in an effort to help better Colorado Springs.

Every month, we ask you to nominate your favorite heroes that have impacted your lives. Then, we feature one lucky hero on our blog and donate $100 to the charity of their choice! This month, we’re thrilled to be highlighting the nurses of Colorado Springs. Nurses have always been heroes, but especially now during the pandemic. Every day, nurses leave the comfort of their homes to go into battle and fight against COVID-19. They work tirelessly to make sure they’re providing the best care possible for their patients. May 6th is also National Nurses Day, making May the perfect month to honor the nurses in our lives.

Ways To Thank Nurses

If you have a nurse in your life and want to show them how grateful you are, but don’t quite know how, here are some easy and small ways to show your appreciation. Remember, you’re not obligated to get a gift. Any nurse would be touched with just a simple “thank you”.

  1. Give them a small gift.
    • A heartfelt and small gift that you can always give a nurse is stethoscope decorations. Stethoscopes are basically a part of a nurse’s uniform, and giving them a little charm is a fun way to say “thank you” and a meaningful token of appreciation.
  2. Send a thank you note.
    • Don’t underestimate the power of a thank you note. Sending a letter and telling a nurse how much you appreciate them and the work that they do will truly touch them. It’s also something that they can keep forever and look back on years later.
  3. Drop off some sweets.
    • Dropping off a bag of goodies is guaranteed to brighten up your favorite nurse’s day. There’s nothing like looking forward to a box of chocolates or a bag of sweets during a 12-hour shift.
  4. Give a gift card.
    • The majority of nurses depend on caffeine to help them stay awake during their long shifts. They’ll be thankful for a gift card to their favorite coffee shop near the hospital to help give them a boost during the day.

Nominate A Nurse

If there’s a nurse in your life that you would like to honor, send in your nomination. We are so blessed to have nurses in our lives who serve the Colorado Springs community every single day, and this is just a small way to show them our appreciation. Our team can’t wait to read about all of the amazing nurses that have touched your lives!

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