Nominate A Hero: Healthcare Workers

Picture of Troy Reichert

Troy Reichert

Troy Reichert is the owner of Reichert Mortgage LLC. With over 20 years of serving the United States Airforce, Troy wants to continue to give back to the community by helping give people their best chance at securing a home.

As a veteran-owned mortgage broker in Colorado Springs, it’s important to us to recognize and give back to the heroes of the community. At The Reichert Mortgage Team, we’re honored to be able to give back to people through the Pikes Peak Heroes program. Every month, the program gives the community the opportunity to nominate the heroes that stand out to them. Each month is focused on a different type of hero, whether it be an education professional, or a firefighter. After all of the nominations are submitted, one lucky hero will be chosen and featured on our blog. The best part? The Reichert Mortgage Team will donate $100 to a charity of their choice.

For April, we’re highlighting the amazing healthcare workers that are a crucial part of the Colorado Springs community. Healthcare workers sacrifice everything to put their patients first, especially during the pandemic. The pandemic has infiltrated so many people’s lives and caused heartbreak, but every day, healthcare workers get up and treat their patients because “giving up” isn’t in their nature.

Ways To Thank Healthcare Workers

If you’ve been looking for the perfect way to say “thank you” to some of your favorite nurses, then here are some awesome ideas!

  1. Donate meals to healthcare workers on the job.
    • Many times, people that work in the healthcare industry are too busy to prepare lunch. A sweet gesture of donating money for the hospital team to buy food, or ordering in for some nurses and doctors, will mean so much to those that are on the front lines every day. 
  2. Send a thank you note.
    • Sometimes, being a healthcare professional can be a thankless job. Even though no one is in it for the compliments, it always feels nice to receive a sweet hand-written note.
  3. Drop off some treats.
    • If you have some free time, or stopped by your favorite bakery on your way home from work, drop some sweets off at the hospital! Little surprises like this can have a huge impact on someone’s day.

Nominate A Healthcare Worker

Every day, healthcare workers leave their own families to do everything they can to help yours. If there’s a healthcare worker in your life that you would like to honor, please send in your nomination! We are so blessed to have such selfless people helping serve the community of Colorado Springs. We can’t wait to read about all the heroes that have made a difference in your lives.

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