Hero Nomination Winner: Meet Officer B!

blue colorado springs police department badge
Picture of Troy Reichert

Troy Reichert

Troy Reichert is the owner of Reichert Mortgage LLC. With over 20 years of serving the United States Airforce, Troy wants to continue to give back to the community by helping give people their best chance at securing a home.

Thank you to everyone who submitted their Law Enforcement hero to our Pikes Peak Heroes Program! It was such an honor reading through all the incredible nominations that we received at The Reichert Mortgage Team. The passion that this community has for our Law Enforcement is truly inspiring, and we are proud to be able to shine a spotlight on those who have truly dedicated their lives to the safety and protection of this city we call home.

As part of our Heroes in the Community Series, we aim to showcase these very heroes that walk among us in Colorado Springs, by sharing resources, stories, and ways to say “Thank You”, to firefighters, medical professionals, teachers, active and veteran military, and, today, law enforcement. As a veteran owned and operated Colorado Springs mortgage broker, it is an honor to acknowledge those who have given their all for our country, our communities, and our neighbors.

We are proud to announce our very first Heroes in the Community nominee winner and interviewee, B. Felice! Thank you to David Neihaus for your nomination of our January Pikes Peak Hero, and thank you to all those who submitted.

Interview With Our Winner: B. Felice

“B. has such a passion and commitment to what he does, you can truly tell that he loves what he does and wouldn’t do anything else. He truly is a Pikes Peak Hero.”

B’s Law Enforcement Journey 

He has been serving our community for over 18 years; he originally joined to help others. His father was a CSPD officer until his retirement. In fact while he was in the Academy his dad was still on the job, so he said he got some ribbing for that, but he took it in stride. He wanted to follow in his dad’s footsteps. 

What Drew B. To Law Enforcement 

Growing up he remembers Deputy Don would come to his class and when he joined the department he got to see Deputy Don again. Being able to meet people at their worst and positively impact that event and make it better is what he loves most about what he does. The hardest part about his job is the current dynamic of the world we live in, but he says he enjoys how this community is so supportive of us as officers. 

Getting To Know B.

He is happily married to Ashley who works for Shield 616, and they together have 5 children aging from 14-5, with the 5 year old doing everything he can to keep up with his brothers and keep B on his toes. 

What Can The Community Do To Support B. And Local Law Enforcement?

We can help support him and his colleagues by thanking officers whenever possible, recognize them for the work that they are doing. This is special! The littlest of things mean the most to them. If you see something, say something, don’t be afraid to approach them and thank them for what they are doing. 

What Charity Does B. Want to Donate To?

The charity he would love to donate to is Shield 616 (he knows it might sound a little self serving because his wife works for them) they are working to get new vests and protective gear to officers not just here in the community, they are being asked by multiple agencies across the nation for support as far as Massachusetts to as near by as New Mexico. He got to travel with his wife to OK last year and met an officer who was one of three for the whole county and his vest expired in 1995 and Shield 616 was able to fit him with a new one to give him the protection that he needed. 

Do You Have a Hero in Your Life that You’d Like to Nominate?

Is there a hero in your life that you’d like to recognize? Do they consistently give back to friends, family, and even strangers within their everyday lives and professional career? At The Reichert Mortgage Team, we want to hear their stories, share their mission, and find ways to express our gratitude towards their sacrifice!

That’s why we created the Pikes Peak Heroes program–to say thank you to our military, teachers, healthcare providers, first responders, and law enforcement. We are accepting nominations for the hero in your life, and will select a winner each month to feature an interview like this one, and donate $100 to a charity of their choice!

Thank you again to all those who submitted and honored their heroes! Each and every one of you and your nominees deserve a heartfelt “Thank You” from us at The Reichert Mortgage Team, and from our communities. We look forward to honoring more heroes with Pikes Peak Heroes.

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