Specially Adapted Housing Program: VA Loan Assistance Programs

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Troy Reichert

Troy Reichert is the owner of Reichert Mortgage LLC. With over 20 years of serving the United States Airforce, Troy wants to continue to give back to the community by helping give people their best chance at securing a home.

As a veteran, I am honored to have a platform to provide educational resources so that disabled veterans may make full use of the benefits available to them. The Reichert Mortgage Team is proud to specialize in VA Loans, and as the founder of Pikes Peak Heroes, we take every opportunity we can to help our fellow veterans. 

As a VA approved mortgage broker in Colorado Springs, we try to go above and beyond to provide education, resources, and a helping hand in all things associated with the veteran affairs, even if they are not explicitly loan related.

One great program available for veterans is the Specially Adapted Housing Program, which focuses on helping veterans find and gain accessible housing. This platform allows veterans to turn their house into a home, and we are eager to share more education on this topic.

What Type Of Housing Grants Are Available?

There are three major adapted housing grants available to eligible service members: the Specially Adapted Housing Grant (SAH), the Special Housing Adaptation Grant (SHA), and the Temporary Residence Adaptation Grant (TRA). Each grant outlines various criteria for eligibility and how the specific grant can assist those who need it.

Specially Adapted Housing Grant (SAH)

Goal: To provide independent living that may not be possible without the grant.

What It Can Be Used For: Constructing a new home or modifying an existing home to meet accessibility needs.

Who Is Eligible: Servicemembers who are entitled to compensation for permanent and total disability during service due to:

  • Loss, or loss of use, of both legs without the aid of braces, canes, crutches, or a wheelchair. 
  • Blindness in both eyes and loss of one lower extremity
  • Loss, or loss of use, of one leg with a.) residuals of organic disease or injury b.) loss or loss of use of one upper extremity 
  • Loss, or lose of use, of both arms at or above the elbows 
  • Permanent and total disability due to a severe burn injury

Current Maximum Grant Amount*: $85,645

Examples of Use: Making a home wheelchair accessible through ramps, widened door frames and hallways, suitable bathrooms, proper flooring, and other adaptations with the approval of VA. 

Special Housing Adaptation Grant (SHA) 

Goal: Increase mobility throughout your home to improve livability.

What It Can Be Used For: Adapt a home that is already owned, adapt a home that is being purchased, assist with purchasing a home that is adapted.

Who Is Eligible: Veterans with a service related disability such as: 

  • Blindness in both eyes 
  • Loss of use of both hands or arms below the elbow
  • Loss of function due to severe burn
  • Certain severe respiratory injuries 

Current Maximum Grant Amount*: $17,130

Examples of Use: Making bathrooms or kitchens accessible, adding smoke and carbon monoxide detectors which feature visual or special audible alarms, making light switches and outlets accessible, etc. 

3. Temporary Residence Adaptation Grant (TRA)

Goal: Ease temporary living situations through adaptability.

What It Can Be Used For: Adapting the home of a family member where the eligible veteran is temporarily residing.

Who Is Eligible: Any veteran who is already eligible for a SAH or SHA Grant as outlined above. 

Current Maximum Grant Amount*:

  • SAH eligible: $37, 597 
  • SHA eligible: $6,713 

Examples of Use: Adding ramps, widening doors, replacing emergency detectors with special accessibility features, etc. 

Give Reichert Mortgage Team A Call To Learn More

As a veteran in Colorado Springs, I am honored to have a platform to provide educational resources so that disabled veterans may make full use of the benefits available to them. Living in the incredibly supportive community of Colorado Springs has shown me that there are many options for accessibility needs. 

Whether you are interested in utilizing one of these Specially Adapted Housing grants for adapting a current home, building an accessible home, or purchasing a home that fits your accessibility needs, then contact Reichert Mortgage Team today for more information. Our team will take the time to thoroughly understand your needs in order to provide the best assistance possible. We will help you navigate applying for this grant and getting approved for a VA loan or refinance. 

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