When Is The Best Time To Buy A House?

Picture of Troy Reichert

Troy Reichert

Troy Reichert is the owner of Reichert Mortgage LLC. With over 20 years of serving the United States Airforce, Troy wants to continue to give back to the community by helping give people their best chance at securing a home.

At Reichert Mortgage Team, we are passionate about equipping homebuyers with the information and tools needed to purchase their dream homes. As one of the best mortgage brokers in Colorado Springs, we understand the decision to invest in a new home comes with many variables, one of which is timing. 

The housing market in Colorado Springs is constantly evolving, and knowing the best time to buy a house can be confusing.  While the constant changes of the housing market may feel stressful, it’s actually a good thing. There really is no right time to buy a home, only a time that suits your needs. In order to help you make an informed decision, our knowledgeable team has created a list of benefits for buying a home in each season. 

Benefits Of Buying A House In The Spring

Traditionally labeled the most popular time to buy a house, the benefits of buying a house in spring attracts many homebuyers. Along with warm weather, spring also brings a surplus of house listings. Many people find spring a desirable time to move, which is why you probably notice so many “for sale” signs pop up on people’s lawns. The warmer weather increases curb appeal as the lawns are greener and landscaping is blooming. Buying a house in the spring means a booming housing market with many options to choose from, but be conscious of the many others who also see the positives of purchasing during spring. The increased competition can lead to bidding wars and higher purchase prices.   

Benefits Of Buying A House In The Summer

Riding the wave of spring, summer also poses a competitive real estate market.  Be cautious of bidding wars, and try looking for homes that were listed in early spring but still haven’t sold. The longer a home sits on the market, generally the more anxious the seller is to unload the house. If you notice a home has been on the market for several months, use this information to your advantage and make an offer just below the asking price. Usually, a home sitting on the market means the price is too high, and the seller will be anxious to receive an offer that’s “close enough” to their asking price. Finding these hidden gems can preserve your budget and land you your dream home.  

Benefits Of Buying A House In The Fall

Following the booming house market of spring and summer, fall poses a calmer house shopping experience. As school gets back into full swing and schedules get busy again, sellers that didn’t get their homes sold in the summer are eager to make a deal. Buying a house in the fall may mean fewer options, but it also offers far better prices. With little to no competition for purchasing a home, homebuyers can stretch their money a little further because homes are typically listed lower in the fall. Homebuyers will also be able to have more meetings and brainstorming sessions with their real estate agents, who won’t be as busy.

Benefits Of Buying A House In The Winter  

Buying a house in the winter offers the most affordable prices. Known as a drought season in the real estate market, many sellers choose to wait to put their homes on the market until the far more productive spring season. But, those who do list their homes are commonly looking to sell their homes quickly. This means generally lower prices and room for negotiations. Though there will be less houses to choose from and finding your dream home may take some hunting, winter certainly is not a bad time to purchase a home because of the affordable prices it offers.  

Find The Best Time To Buy A House With The Reichert Mortgage Team

Each season poses different benefits that homebuyers should take into consideration when creating their timelines. There are pros and cons for each season, but finding the perfect time for you will depend on your unique situation and your financial goals. At Reichert Mortgage Team, we use our years of experience and plethora of resources to help you find and afford your dream home. No matter what your financial situation is, we’ll work with you to find a financing option that works with your budget.  Contact us today to receive expert help from one of the best mortgage companies in Colorado Springs!

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